Activate a Client | Close a Client | Reject a Client | Withdraw a Client | Reactivate a Client | UndoReject a Client | UndoWithdraw a Client | Assign a Staff | Unassign a Staff | Update Default Savings Account | Propose a Client Transfer | Withdraw a Client Transfer | Reject a Client Transfer | Accept a Client Transfer | Propose and Accept a Client Transfer

Activate a Client:

Clients can be created in a Pending state. This API exists to enable client activation (for when a client becomes an approved member of the financial Institution).

If the client happens to be already active this API will result in an error.

Close a Client:

Clients can be closed if they do not have any non-closed loans/savingsAccount. This API exists to close a client .

If the client have any active loans/savingsAccount this API will result in an error.

Reject a Client:

Clients can be rejected when client is in pending for activation status.

If the client is any other status, this API throws an error.

Mandatory Fields: rejectionDate, rejectionReasonId

Withdraw a Client:

Client applications can be withdrawn when client is in a pending for activation status.

If the client is any other status, this API throws an error.

Mandatory Fields: withdrawalDate, withdrawalReasonId

Reactivate a Client: Clients can be reactivated after they have been closed.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields: reactivationDate

UndoReject a Client:

Clients can be reactivated after they have been rejected.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields: reopenedDateUndoWithdraw a Client:

Clients can be reactivated after they have been withdrawn.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields: reopenedDate

Assign a Staff:

Allows you to assign a Staff for existed Client.

The selected Staff should belong to the same office (or an officer higher up in the hierarchy) as the Client he manages.

Unassign a Staff:

Allows you to unassign the Staff assigned to a Client.

Update Default Savings Account:

Allows you to modify or assign a default savings account for an existing Client.

The selected savings account should be one among the existing savings account for a particular customer.

Propose a Client Transfer:

Allows you to propose the transfer of a Client to a different Office.

Withdraw a Client Transfer:

Allows you to withdraw the proposed transfer of a Client to a different Office.

Withdrawal can happen only if the destination Branch (to which the transfer was proposed) has not already accepted the transfer proposal

Reject a Client Transfer:

Allows the Destination Branch to reject the proposed Client Transfer.

Accept a Client Transfer:

Allows the Destination Branch to accept the proposed Client Transfer.

The destination branch may also choose to link this client to a group (in which case, any existing active JLG loan of the client is rescheduled to match the meeting frequency of the group) and loan Officer at the time of accepting the transfer

Propose and Accept a Client Transfer:

Abstraction over the Propose and Accept Client Transfer API's which enable a user with Data Scope over both the Target and Destination Branches to directly transfer a Client to the destination Office.

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