Approve savings application | Undo approval savings application | Assign Savings Officer | Unassign Savings Officer | Reject savings application | Withdraw savings application | Activate a savings account | Close a savings account | Calculate Interest on Savings Account | Post Interest on Savings Account | Block Savings Account | Unblock Savings Account | Block Savings Account Credit transactions | Unblock Savings Account Credit transactions | Block Savings Account Debit transactions | Unblock Savings Account debit transactions

Approve savings application:

Approves savings application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

Undo approval savings application:

Will move 'approved' savings application back to 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

Assign Savings Officer:

Allows you to assign Savings Officer for existing Savings Account.

Unassign Savings Officer:

Allows you to unassign the Savings Officer.

Reject savings application:

Rejects savings application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

Withdraw savings application:

Used when an applicant withdraws from the savings application. It must be in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

Activate a savings account:

Results in an approved savings application being converted into an 'active' savings account.

Close a savings account:

Results in an Activated savings application being converted into an 'closed' savings account.

closedOnDate is closure date of savings account

withdrawBalance is a boolean description, true value of this field performs a withdrawal transaction with account's running balance.

Mandatory Fields: dateFormat,locale,closedOnDate

Optional Fields: note, withdrawBalance, paymentTypeId, accountNumber, checkNumber, routingCode, receiptNumber, bankNumber

Calculate Interest on Savings Account:

Calculates interest earned on a savings account based on todays date. It does not attempt to post or credit the interest on the account. That is responsibility of the Post Interest API that will likely be called by overnight process.

Post Interest on Savings Account:

Calculates and Posts interest earned on a savings account based on today's date and whether an interest posting or crediting event is due.

Block Savings Account:

Blocks Savings account from all types of credit and debit transactions

Unblock Savings Account:

Unblock a blocked account. On unblocking account, user can perform debit and credit transactions

Block Savings Account Credit transactions:

Savings account will be blocked from all types of credit transactions.

Unblock Savings Account Credit transactions:

It unblocks the Saving account's credit operations. Now all types of credits can be transacted to Savings account

Block Savings Account Debit transactions:

All types of debit operations from Savings account wil be blocked

Unblock Savings Account debit transactions:

It unblocks the Saving account's debit operations. Now all types of debits can be transacted from Savings account

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