Calculate loan repayment schedule | Submit a new Loan Application

It calculates the loan repayment Schedule
Submits a new loan application
Mandatory Fields: clientId, productId, principal, loanTermFrequency, loanTermFrequencyType, loanType, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, transactionProcessingStrategyId, expectedDisbursementDate, submittedOnDate, loanType
Optional Fields: graceOnPrincipalPayment, graceOnInterestPayment, graceOnInterestCharged, linkAccountId, allowPartialPeriodInterestCalcualtion, fixedEmiAmount, maxOutstandingLoanBalance, disbursementData, graceOnArrearsAgeing, createStandingInstructionAtDisbursement (requires linkedAccountId if set to true)
Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation is enabled for product and Rest frequency not same as repayment period: recalculationRestFrequencyDate
Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation with interest/fee compounding is enabled for product and compounding frequency not same as repayment period: recalculationCompoundingFrequencyDate
Additional Mandatory Field if Entity-Datatable Check is enabled for the entity of type loan: datatables

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