Approve GLIM Application | Undo GLIM Application Approval | Reject GLIM Application | Disburse Loan Disburse Loan To Savings Account | Undo Loan Disbursal

Approve GLIM Application:
Mandatory Fields: approvedOnDate
Optional Fields: approvedLoanAmount and expectedDisbursementDate
Approves the GLIM application

Undo GLIM Application Approval:
Undoes the GLIM Application Approval

Reject GLIM Application:
Mandatory Fields: rejectedOnDate
Allows you to reject the GLIM application

Disburse Loan:
Mandatory Fields: actualDisbursementDate
Optional Fields: transactionAmount and fixedEmiAmount
Disburses the Loan

Disburse Loan To Savings Account:
Mandatory Fields: actualDisbursementDate
Optional Fields: transactionAmount and fixedEmiAmount
Disburses the loan to Saving Account

Undo Loan Disbursal:
Undoes the Loan Disbursal

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